Fate/Origin NFT IGO(Initial Game Offering) Rules

Hello everyone, we are pleased to announce that the IGO(Intial Game Offering) of Fate/Origin will be launched at JOJO Gamebase on November 3rd.

Fate/Origin is a large-scale 3D MMORPG Play-to-Earn game. So far, we have received 3000+ users to make an appointment to buy it. Thank you very much for the support of the community for Fate/Origin NFT. We will announce the IGO rules of Fate/Origin NFT.

I. Fate/Origin NFT will release a total of 9320 NFTs in the IGO stage, including 4 types (pets, mounts, wings, and fashion).

Each type is divided into 4 qualities, namely SSR, SR, R and N, with different HashRate for each quality.

Details are as follows (HashRate)

SSR: 1000

SR: 400

R: 200

N: 150

II. Fate/Origin NFT IGO is divided into 5 phases.

Details of time and quantity are as follows:

Phase I

Time: November 3rd

IGO Amount: 3800


Mount NFT: 950

Pet NFT: 950

Fashion NFT: 950

Wings NFT: 950

Phase II

Time: November 4th

IGO Amount: 3000


Mount NFT: 750

Pet NFT: 750

Fashion NFT: 750

Wings NFT: 750

Phase III

Time: November 5th

IGO Amount: 1800


Mount NFT: 450

Pet NFT: 450

Fashion NFT: 450

Wings NFT: 450

Phase IV

Time: November 6th

IGO Amount: 400


Mount NFT: 100

Pet NFT: 100

Fashion NFT: 100

Wings NFT: 100

Phase V

Time: November 7th

IGO Amount: 320


Mount NFT: 80

Pet NFT: 80

Fashion NFT: 80

Wings NFT: 80

III. The IGO White List

We will start the white list before IGO. If you meet the following conditions, you will become a lucky user and will enjoy preferential treatment when purchasing Fate/Origin NFT.

How to enter the whitelist?

JOJO HashPower= (HashRate in JOJO Genesis NFT Pool) * 1.5 + (HashRate in JOJO Fun NFT Pool)

When your HashPower exceeds 10, 000, you will automatically enter the white list, and enjoy the discount by purchasing Fate/Origin NFT when the IGO is started.

If you own JOJO Gamer NFT, your HashPower requirement can be reduced to 5,000, and you will enter the whitelist.

We have started IGO reservation in JOJO official website. If you are interested in Fate/Origin, please pay attention to us:

Reservation website: https://jojo.fun/gamebase/1

Website: https://fateorigin.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Fate_Origin

Discord: https://discord.gg/QsxJ8pjsrj

Last updated